Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finding BCP office & finding out why nobody walks around here

My first day in Ubud.
After that lovely breakfast, I went to find Bali Children's Project office and let them know I'm here and ready to be useful!

Google maps said 38min of walking. I said No problem. Mr. Ketut said Ooo very far, very far.

One boy that works in Teba House was just going to do some business on the Main Street, so Mr. Ketut told me he can take me part of the way. I was looking at that little scooter, remembering that I managed to avoid driving on this two wheels evil machine for 25 years. (yes, my parents did good job scaring the shit out of me about those 'motor vehicles'. Also about 'smoking drugs', but that's another story.). That with the fact about the way they drive here.. well, few minutes later I was on the scooter, paying absolutely no attention where we are going (and yes, at the end of the day I had no idea how to get back home from the Main st., walked in circle around the house for 30 minutes before finding it and finally, rented a bicycle that same night. No more walking.).

So, he drops me right next to the Money Exchange (100USD = 944,000 IDR). Don't go changing money randomly, I suggest official offices where you get the receipt, because you'll probably need few days to get used to all those 'zeros' in Indonesian bills.

I walked boldly. Like I knew what I'm doing. Map said just straight to the Blanco Museum. Everything around me (I was on the Main st. all the way) is quite interesting, so time actually passed by.
Local people will ask you on and on if you need a taxi, but they are not intrusive. One question in quiet voice, that's all. I say 'on and on' because I get the same question from a different person every few meters.
 I was climbing up the Jalan Campuhan (jalan = road). Felt kind of lost. Everyone I asked for the directions told me the same thing 'Yes, yes, just straight and then right!' (except for the Google Maps, that didn't say anything anymore) I asked 'Okay, but WHERE should I turn right?'.  Well, I never get to find out that.
In one of my 'Where right??' discussions I hear a scooter stopping behind me and I get this strange feeling that the laughter (person sounds like he is very entertained and I feel like I'm quite amusing to all of them) is meant for me. Some old dude, asking if I remember already asking him for the directions. I remembered, but I'm playing it cool, trying to keep this little pride that I've left. I won't lie, I did surrender quite fast. Climb was quite grand, it was hot and I still had no idea where to turn right. So, I sat on the scooter for the 2nd time in my life.  Thank God I did because I would never find the office. I gave him 20,000 IDR (20,000 IDR will cover the gas, the general price to give for a day drive would be 30,000 - 40,000 IDR. Scooter, not the car) As he drove me for 5-10 minutes it seemed to me as a fair price and he seemed to be pleased.

Finally! Bali Children's Project office.
I saw Eka for the first time in her sweet little office, behind her laptop, shouting 'Ana!! I was just thinking about you!!!'

We planned my month of workshops for Balinese children. I'm so excited and happy. Doing workshops for the kids and young adults is one of my favorite things in the whole world, and I'm really thankful to BCP's director Linda and their local coordinator Eka for having me here.

Later, I sat for the 3rd time on the scooter, with Eka this time. We went to see her friend who invited me to have dinner with her family that night. Also, my camera and I were invited to join the ceremony in their house this Saturday. This is just one of many examples how people are hospitable and friendly here. I'm really looking forward to participating in both.

 This is one photo from the dinner, I didn't have my camera, so it's bad quality. We had rice, some delicious chicken (actually, every time I tried chicken on Bali it was really tasty) and very spicy sayur (vegetable).
The lady on the photo said to me: 'In Bali, no spicy, no good!' :)
And freshly made watermelon juice! 

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