Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Qatar Airport - trip to Bali

10/06/2012 00:12

The first thing I've noticed on a plane from Zagreb to Doha were flight attendants. I feel in love with their amazing big buns and little hats. There was no doubt they looked beautiful. I'll take that as a good sign that the whole month volunteering for Bali Children's Project and exploring Bali will for sure be also amazing. Signs are important when you are traveling on the other side of the world, don't you think? Good ones only count, of course. 

Looking outside the airplane window how the airport building is getting smaller and my small city getting even smaller... (and I'm not on whatever drugs the Jefferson Airplane guys were while singing about Alice) I couldn't help feeling sad for leaving my sisters, my mum, friends who came to say bye yesterday and few other family members I love.
Not so long ago, I was much cooler, more like supermegacool. Everyone who knows me, know that I use this imaginative bunch of words clung together in one of my favorite expressions. SuperMegaCool. Anyway, I just couldn't wait to fly away somewhere as far away as possible. And now, I feel sad for leaving these people. Guess emotions are new supermegacool thing. :)
But for sure, it is nice having your happy people and traveling far away by yourself, but still not feeling alone.

Here I am, sitting in front of the gate in Doha, waiting for my next flight, to Jakarta.

I look around and I see bunch of unfamiliar faces, some other world.
I feel like I don't know anything about these people. Every now and then familiar facial features.

Strong women, big African women, with proud faces, in their colorful dresses with matching scarf around the head and big golden ear rings. Looking like they own this place. Love that. I don't know anything about them and their stories.

Small Chinese families. To the outside world they look closed, even restrained. And then again, I look at them and they keep talking to themselves, constantly laughing. Look so happy together.

Young Arabic couples. Sometimes just one couple, sometimes two of them together. Man and wife look so connected to each other. It is my first impression of almost every. Directed to one another, gentle, even in this hurry airport. Of course, you might think- some of those women you can barely see eyes, but it is just something you feel.

I see people with no shoes, woman picking her nose, a man eating something that's dripping all around the place with his hands. When I was leaving the plane I was disgusted. Tons of napkins, glasses, all those forks, knifes... salt, bread- yes, an actual roll nonchalantly lying there. Strawberry yoghurt, EVERYTHING on the floor. Everywhere. I don't get it.

I keep taking a second glance at the couples. I know neither their story.
But then.. could any of these people understand my life story?  That is exactly my point. Everyone has their own story.   *

Are we all really so different as it seems on the first look? Is there anything that connects us? Would you understand my story and would I understand yours? At the moment, I'm thinking that on the surface we are very (insurmountable?) different, but deep down, in the heart (where it counts), we are very similar, if not the same (will it have to do anything with the insurmountable part?).

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My today's Bali friend, who came to my little porch and helped me write this post.
* I'll keep to myself little 'samo retki nadu retke'. Quote from my favorite singer, meaning something like only uncommonly lucky people find uncommon (special) people. Who will truly understand you.

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